Ruth Galang

Full-Stack Web Developer

About Me

Getting a job as an ICT Staff was a stepping stone for me as a Computer Engineering graduate. It gives me a lot of experience and really push me to do much more than what I think would be my limit. Having this experience encourage me to pursue a Software Engineering career. Joining Zuitt Coding Bootcamp helps me hone and acquired more skills like web developing using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, using GitHub/Gitlab, problem solving, responsive design principles, learning other programming languages like JavaScript and others.


Project 1 | Web Developer's Portfolio

My first capstone project that show my skills in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Project 2 | E-commerce API

An E-commerce API using Express.js, MongoDB and Node.js that is being tested to Postman.

Project 3 | Ibywind PH E-commerce App

An E-commerce application using React.js and Bootstrap. Project 2 (E-Commerce API) was being used as the back-end for this web app.

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Ruth Galang | Full-Stack Web Developer | © All Rights Reserved 2022